Volunteer Positions
Set Up
Tear Down
- Need to be available for at least a few hours the day before to set up
- Set up tables for lunch
- Set up the breakout rooms - make sure speaker handouts, microphones, and computer connections are present
- Put the tables up for vendor booths
- Assemble swag bags
- Registration/Check-in - distribute name tags and swag bags as each attendee checks in
- Greeters - welcome people at doors as they enter the building and auditorium
- Break out rooms hosts - introduce the breakout speakers, hold up cards to show how much time is left, break down the rooms immediately after breakout sessions
- Floaters - serve where needed
Tear Down
- Ensure everything gets put away correctly
- Load everything in vehicles going to storage unit
- Break down lunch space and workshop spaces as soon as possible
- Set up food in family theater
- Confirm people's lunch orders and distribute lunch boxes
- Remind people when workshops are about to start
- Clean up food room